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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Not really a review: Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

  This isn't really a review, because I'm not sure if you can write a review on an anime in which every episode is only three minutes long. 

  BUT what it is, my thoughts and feedback on this series.  I guess that makes a review of some nature.  Well it couldn't be helped.

  So these three minute anime episodes are comedies that make you laugh quick and easy and then it ends.  The series revolves around Nekoyama, a girl whose name and demeanor reads cat; however, she contrary to what you might expect loves doges.  She introduced within the first thirty seconds of the anime to Inugami, a girl whose disposition lends itself to dogs and you guessed she loves cats.  So naturally this was a match made... in japan at least.

  And so the puns, dirty jokes and quick surface level humor begins.  The show makes fun of other anime, itself, and various "complexes" line after line, joke after joke, all the while keeping the humor "above the belt" and the cuteness rolling. 

  If you want something super clever or deep, stay clear.  In the three minutes, the level of humor never goes beyond the rote stuff you'll see in every other anime you've seen.  But let's face it there isn't much new under the sun anyway.  So if you really enjoy that brand of humor, they'll keep it coming in short burst of sugar high enducing tooth achy candy bar goodness.

  I for one like my candy bars, so I'll be watching the episodes as they simulcast.

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